WASEDA Research Portal

List of support program

Internal funding

WASEDA research acceleration program for early-stage principal investigators

This university-wide program is intended to give a global boost to daring and pioneering research by PIs so as to help them cultivate universal wisdom and create new social value without fear of failure.

Waseda University Grants for Special Research Projects (“Tokutei Kadai”)

Supporting individual researchers in the construction and maintenance of an autonomous research environment

Individual Research Allowance

A research fund issued to each department in order to support the individual academic research conducted by Tenured Faculty, Assistant Professor (without tenure) and the assistant.

Faculty Activity Acceleration Allowance

The Faculty Activity Acceleration Allowance provides supplementary support for activities funded by university fiscal resources, covering research expenses (such as general consumables, funds for preparation for research and educational activities aimed at acquisition of new external funding, and expenses to improve research lab environment).

External funding & Collaboration

Expenditure program for Principal Investigator Personnel Costs

Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration

The Cross-Ministerial Research and Development Management System (e-Rad)

A cross-ministerial system enabling online management of research and development work through the Competitive Funding System run by Japanese ministries and agencies and other open research funding systems.

Grants offered by foundations

Overview of JSPS Application Support Services

The International Office offer the following application completion support services to those wishing to apply for the international collaboration programs offered by the JSPS, namely the Core-to-Core Program, the Japanese-German Graduate Externship, the A3 Foresight Program (Japan, China and Korea), and the International Joint Research Programs (JRPS, PIRE, ORA, G8-RCI) .

JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists

JSPS’s program which gives excellent young researchers the opportunity to concentrate on research.


Qatar Chair Faculty Grants

This grant supports Waseda University faculty and PhD students for small research projects related to Islamic Area Studies that will lead to published outputs.

Grant Program for English Scholarly Book Publication in the Fields of Humanities and Social Sciences

Video-on-demand content to help you write and submit effective English-language academic papers

This video offers numerous practical tips to help you plan, create, and deliver effective English-language presentations about your research.

Video-on-demand content to help you plan, create, and deliver effective research presentations in English

This video offers hundreds of tips and cautionary notes to help you plan, write, and submit English-language manuscripts.

Support for Academic Paper Publication

Support program for expense related to submitting articles such as translation, proofreading, article publication, etc.

Support Program for Publication in High Impact Journals

Subsidize expenses related to the publication in “high-impact journals”.

E-Resource Portal (i.e., databases, online journals by collection, e-books by collection)

E-resources that Waseda subscribes to as well as useful websites selected by our librarians.

Waseda University Repository

Support for Open Access Fees

There are some services of supporting your OA publishing in Waseda University.

International collaborative research & Invitation

Grant for International Academic Events

Financial support for academic events including international symposia and workshops, and other events which further international academic exchange, increase the University’s reputation, and provide a meaningful educational experience for our students

DAAD-Waseda University Partnership Programme

Financial support for the creation/further development of collaborative partnerships and the promotion of joint research between Waseda University and institutions of higher education in Germany.

International Collaborations supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

JSPS offers a variety of programs to invite overseas researchers to Japan for the promotion of international scientific cooperation.

International Scholar Services (ISS)

The Overseas Researcher Program provides researchers at overseas institutions with an opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty member at Waseda University.

Specified Partnership-based Researcher Exchange Program / Faculty Exchange Program

Programs to send Waseda University faculty to partner universities that have specially established faculty exchange frameworks.

Services Provided by Waseda University’s Overseas Offices

Waseda University has 15 offices, such as the Waseda Brussels Office, in 10 countries and regions around the world. Each office features unique characteristics and services (such as researcher match-making) to support Waseda researchers and their overseas partners.

Grant Program for Promotion of International Joint Research

Grant program defraying costs of overseas travel for Waseda researchers and their overseas counterparts to promote international joint research.

Overseas Research Travel Grant Program for Upper-level Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Grant program designed to support research at overseas institutions for Waseda’s upper-level undergraduates and graduate students.

Academic conference, Symposium & Academic society

Grant for International Academic Events

Financial support for academic events including international symposia and workshops, and other events which further international academic exchange, increase the University’s reputation, and provide a meaningful educational experience for our students

Grants offered by foundations

Academic Society Conference Travel Subsidy and International Academic Conference Travel Subsidy

Subsidize travel expenses for academic conferences, international conferences and international symposia.

Subsidy for Holding a National Meeting

If a nation-wide academic association involving our university’s Tenured Faculty will hold a nation-wide research meeting/conference at our university, we will subsidize the expenses associated with the event.

Subsidies for miscellaneous costs related to research activities

Subsidy for Association Expenses

Support for the activities of a large scale academic association to which our university’s Tenured Faculty belongs, and where we have a secretariat office at our university.

Grant for Study Abroad Program Operation

Scholarly output & Management of intellectual property rights

Support for Academic Paper Publication

Support program for expense related to submitting articles such as translation, proofreading, article publication, etc.

Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration

Press release on research results Guidelines for researchers on announcing research results to the media

Waseda University Repository

Support for Open Access Fees

There are some services of supporting your OA publishing in Waseda University.

Facilities, IT & Library support

IT service navigation

We provide various IT services, rent software (anti-virus software, Office, SPSS Statistics, etc.) and various AV devices (projectors, video cameras, etc.).

Securing research time, Outsourcing & Employing research assistant



WASEDA research acceleration program for early-stage principal investigators

This university-wide program is intended to give a global boost to daring and pioneering research by PIs so as to help them cultivate universal wisdom and create new social value without fear of failure.

Teaching Buyouts

In order to secure research time for researchers, this system allows them to pay for non-research work on their behalf from their direct expenses.

Special program to support large scale research

The purpose is to provide support to concentrate on research for principal investigator who have acquired research funds over a certain size or young research principals who have acquired a specific research subject.

Work-Life Balance Support

Childcare and researcher support provided by Office for Promotion of Equality and Diversity.

Research support for “Life Events”

This support is for researchers of Waseda University who are on maternity or childcare leave; it is intended to support the continuation of their research activities by allocating research support staff and research assistants.

Research ethics & Integrity

Office of Research Ethics

Research fund spending rules

Various application forms

Financial Management System Manual

Research Funds Manual


About A01 Expenditure Request Application System

Download formats

Various application forms