WASEDA Research Portal

Services Provided by Waseda University’s Overseas Offices

Waseda University has 15 offices, such as the Waseda Brussels Office, in 10 countries and regions around the world. Each office features unique characteristics and services (such as researcher match-making) to support Waseda researchers and their overseas partners.

This page is only for internal users in Waseda.
To access from outside the university you need an ID and a password. Please refer to MyWaseda.

<Save location for the ID & Password>
After logging into MyWaseda, please select "Research" -> "Research Resources" -> "研究推進部ヘルプデスク" -> "Login credentials for Waseda Research Portal"

If you have a Waseda Research Portel ID and password, please login below. *It is different from MyWaseda's ID & password.