WASEDA Research Portal

Subsidies for miscellaneous costs related to research activities

Subsidies for miscellaneous costs related to research activities These subsidies are intended to cover part of […]

Subsidies for miscellaneous costs related to research activities

These subsidies are intended to cover part of the costs incurred by doctoral program students and students of Leading Graduate Programs related to research activities, including photocopying documents necessary for research, academic society participation fees and annual membership fees, and fees for the submission of research papers.

Students eligible for subsidies

Graduate school doctoral program students and students of Leading Graduate Programs (except for research associates and students taking a year off from school) are eligible for these subsidies.
*Students receiving funds from JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC program and students taking a year off from school to study abroad are eligible.

Eligible items for subsidies

Please choose one from the following four items:
Cost of photocopying (a copy card will be supplied), academic society meeting participation fee, academic society annual membership fee, fee for submission of a research paper.

Amount of subsidies

Eligible students can receive JPY 5,000 per year.
Even if the amount applied for is less than 5,000 yen, one student may only apply once a year.


The relevant department office will notify students who are eligible for the subsidies. Please follow the department’s instructions.

1) Copy cards must be received within the relevant year. After the year has ended, the student loses eligibility to receive a card. When receiving a copy card, please affix your seal or signature on the document prepared by the department office to confirm receipt.

2) In the case of applying for subsidies for academic society meeting participation fees, academic society annual membership fees and fees for submission of a research paper, the application form must be filled out and submitted, along with a receipt, to your department office. If the applicant needs to pay the academic society fee for the subsequent year during the subsidized year due to payment deadline timing, it is required that he/she be registered in the doctoral program in the subsequent year.

Forms can be downloaded from


Please refer to the following notes when applying for the subsidies;
– Students can apply for the subsidies only one time during their academic year. (‘An academic year’ refers to the period from April 1st to March 31st of the following year for April enrollees, and the period from September 21st to September 20th of the following year for September enrollees.)
– When students apply for a subsidy at any time during a fiscal year, they must provide receipts dated within that fiscal year. (A ‘university fiscal year’ refers to the period from April 1st to March 31st.)
– Please check the following points when obtaining a receipt.
– The term “Receipt” must be specified on the receipt.
– The name of the University must be in the address section. However, if there is no address section in the receipt (e.g. in the case of a payment receipt from a bank or post office or debit breakdown), a receipt without the name of the University is acceptable.
– The description of the item must be appropriate and clear.
– In the case where the purchased items are not clearly specifies in the receipt, a document describing, the breakdown must be attached.
– In the case where a receipt is not available, e.g. in the case of payment for academic society fees by bank transfer, the bank’s receipt of transfer and a bill (or document stating the amount and the content) may be used in place of a receipt.
– In the case of Internet transactions, it is essential that the date of transaction (which is the date of placing application through the Internet) be during the fiscal year. Please note that the date should not refer to the date of debit of funds by the credit card company.
– Exceptional treatment: In the case where the year of issue of a receipt is different from the fiscal year of the application for subsidy due to particular circumstances (e.g. where the deadline for payment of fees for participation in an academic society activity is different from the year of activity) application for such subsidy is permitted as an exception.

– Example: The deadline for the payment of academic society meeting participation fees is the end of December, but the actual dates of the academic meeting are May 1st to May 3rd of the following fiscal year. In this case, please apply during the fiscal year when the academic meeting is held. Although the date of the receipt for academic meeting participation fees was issued in the previous fiscal year, the application can be accepted.

Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow is one category of Kakenhi (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research).

It is possible to use both Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow and subsidies for presenting a thesis at an international academic conference simultaneously *1 in such instances as duties being carried out on different days. Please be advised that grants cannot be “combined” *2 for a single expense.
*1 Simultaneous use of funds: the use of multiple research funds when multiple expenses occur during a research activity by fully allocating one fund to one invoice/receipt
*2 Combined use of funds: to use multiple research funds for a single expense by allocating multiple funds to one invoice/receipt