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Frequently Asked Questions
- What expenses can not be spent from Individual Research Allowance?
- The scope of expenditures for Individual Research Allowance is limited to those directly related to research within the scope of each faculty’s major subject, but the scope of expenditure is not limited to a specific research plan or research subject. It covers the research that each researcher performs individually.
However, for the purpose of effectively using limited research expenses, you are not supposed to spend for goods that should normally be prepared by researchers, such as seals and diaries, and properties that do not meet the purpose and purpose of the Individual Research Allowance. However, it is impossible to identify everything as well as to identify things that can not be spent here, as the research fields of the researchers are different. Therefore, if you need to purchase for research purposes, for special properties or goods exemplified as “impossible to spend”, you need to explain the necessity for conducting research and a document that shows the details of the goods. The explanation needs to be clear and specific. If the explanation is deemed to be necessary and sufficient, you can spend from Individual Research Allowance.
- Can I purchase the documents used in classes and seminars?
- Because it is a research fund, you can not use it for educational expenses, such as for teaching classes and student guidance.
- I want to purchase multiple of my own book and give them to some researchers who are my joint researchers and research collaborators to get feedback on my research. If possible, please tell me the necessary documents for spending.
- Expenses are possible for that purposes. Include invoice or receipt, shipping list, and reason for purchasing multiple volumes.
- Can I bring out the Supplies purchased by Individual Research Allowance to outside Waseda? I want to use it long-term there.
- In principle, Supplies are necessary to install in Waseda, such as your laboratory. Please clarify the administrator and the installation location of the Supplies and do not take it out of Waseda without permission. If you need to take it out of Waseda for compelling research reasons, be sure to submit an “Asset Property Borrowing Request” to your department office for approval. All purchases settled by university research funds are managed as university properties, so in accounting audits, we may ask for confirmation of Supplies as needed.
- Please tell me disbursement rule of books purchased with Individual Research Allowance.
- Classified as follows.
- – Books materials expenses treated as supplies and supplies: One book whose price exceeds 100,000 yen and preservation age is over 10 years. The handling of books handled as supplies is handled in accordance with asset books. That is, a collection mark, an acceptance record, and a holding place mark are attached and recorded in the book purchase list. In this way, books that are treated according to assets can also be disposed of after 10 years and if it is determined that it is appropriate to dispose them, through the prescribed procedures. Also, as a matter of course, you can continue to use and save books that are 10 years old, if needed. If a bill (receipt) of a book whose acquisition price for one or one copy is 100,000 yen or more is submitted, the necessary matter is entered after comparing the book and the bill (receipt). Please attach “Product handling book seal” to the book.
- – Consumables-treated materials: One book whose price is 100,000 yen or less. Even consumables are not totally out of control. However, it only means that you do not handle the asset for the management of Vice President affairs. It makes sense that the actual handling is simplified compared to the books for handling supplies. In other words, it will be attached to the record about acceptance, and the collection mark and the record to the ledger will be omitted. In addition, there is no restriction on the retention period.
- I bought a book using my own “pre-paid card for purchasing books”. Can I pay for the books purchased with this pre-paid card from the Individual Research Allowance?
- If you purchased the pre-paid card by your private money and you can prove it by a receipt for the purchase, it is possible as settlement by advance payment.But If you don’t have the receipt for the purchase of the pre-paid card, it is not permissible.
- My USB flash drive has been broken down. I want to ask a vendor to repair the data in the drive. Can I spend the expenses from the Individual Research Allowance?
- If you purchased the drive for research use, it can be spent as repair costs.
- Do you need acceptance inspection for procurement?
- When purchasing goods under the Individual Research Allowance, acceptance inspection is not needed.
- Can I spend the expenses for recycling (collection and disposal) of TVs and PCs used in research from Individual Research Allowances?
- It is permissible. In addition, recycling cost of goods which is purchased by other than Individual Research Allowance is also permissible.
- Can I spend a spray or brush to remove PC dust?
- If you need to keep the PC or the machine proper operation or to maintain the storage for valuable data, it is permissible.
- Can I spend protective sheets and cases for tablet devices, electronic dictionaries and digital cameras?
- If you always carry those devices out for your research, the protection sheets or cases can be permissible.
- Can I spend PC glasses (those protecting your eyes from the PC screen)?
- Not permissible because it is difficult to distinguish between research use and private use.
- Can I buy a mobile battery?
- In principle, all research expenses, including Individual Research Allowance , do not allow spending on mobile handsets with call functionality, so you can not purchase a battery to charge it. A battery for mobile handsets without call functionality is permissible.
- Does the router annual license contract fee for routers such as WiMAX and WiFi determine account items according to the same flow chart as software license agreement? And what is the account for Dropbox?
- When the router itself is purchased, if it includes communication costs for several months, it will be treated as communication and transportation costs collectively.
However, if you purchase only the router itself, it will be the consumables cost.In addition, online storage services (cloud services) such as “Dropbox” and “Evernote” correspond to expenses related to the Internet, and account items are communication and transportation expenses.
- I want to publish a book as my research results. Is it possible to spend the cost (translation, proofreading, censorship, copyright processing, direct publication, accompanying remittance fees, etc.)?
- It is possible if you are the author and the affiliated institution of the author is published as Waseda.
- I am asked to make a donation from the affiliated academic society. Can I use this donation from the Individual Research Allowance?
- Spending donations is not appropriate for the expenses directly related to research that is the purpose of the Individual Research Allowance.
- I want examinees to enroll in liability insurance when conducting experiments involving the risk of subjects, can I spend the premium from the Individual Research Allowance?
- When conducting research on human subjects, if the experiment is essential and the experiment is considered to be at the risk of the subject, then the liability insurance premium can be spent from the individual research allowance. As a general rule, premiums should be within the range of research grants, but if premiums are high, you can use some other allowances which have no limit to the use.
- Can I hire a research support staff or research assistants(RA) ?
- It is permissible.
- How should I handle the receipt of the advance payment?
- In principle, direct payment from Waseda to suppliers is essential when procuring, but if you are forced to make a advance payment, submit a receipt to your office immediately after purchasing the item to settle it.
With regard to the settlement of receipts at the end of the fiscal year, Individual Research Allowance should be settled within the fiscal year because they are a single-year settlement.
In addition, when you receive a receipt from a vendor etc., please make sure that the name, address, company seal, address and date of issue of the vendor etc. are specified. Be sure to fill in the addressee’s name (Waseda University and expenses, location of researcher, etc.), and avoid those where the name of the person who paid “upper” etc. can not be identified. The item name needs to be described specifically.Please note in the remarks column or blank space so that “book title” can be found in the receipt of the book purchase.
- When purchasing goods from Amazon, the addressee field on the receipt may be blank.
- All Amazon receipts are output with a blank address and cannot be set up on the Amazon website. Exceptions are allowed to process receipts as addressed blank, without handwriting or rubber stamp signatures.
- If you pay the conference annual fee, etc. by payment by PayPal, the credit card statement does not include the local currency amount. Do you have any other documents required for spending?
- In addition to credit card statements, please submit invoices or proof of transaction details.
- Is there a limit to the amount of advanced payments?
- The amount of money that can be redeemed is, in principle, less than 100,000 yen per case (the amount of money on one receipt). However, if you spend as travel expenses, it may be 100,000 yen or more.If you are forced to pay in advance more than ¥100,000 except for travel expenses, please submit a document explaining the reason along with a receipt to your office.
- I want to purchase a book at the Kindle Store. What kind of documents should I submit for spending?
- You can request receipts as follows:
*In addition to the receipts, print out and submit the purchase statement to the certificate.
<how to issue a receipt for electronic books purchased at the kindle store>
1. Go to HP and click “Contact Customer Service”.
(If you are not logged in, the login screen will be displayed, so log in).
2. The “Contact customer service” screen will be displayed.
(1) In “1. Select the type of inquiry”, click “About Order”.
On the subsequent screen, select the product for which you want to request a receipt this time.
(2) Select the following in “2. Select the content of the inquiry”.
・ Inquiries: “Payment related”
・ Detailed contents: “receipt, delivery note”
(3) In “3. Please select an inquiry method”, click “Contact by E-mail”.
The following screen will be displayed. Enter the details in “Please enter details”.
・ Indicate that it is a request to issue a receipt for Kindle content
・ order number
・ Address of receipt
・ Receiver’s delivery address (zip code, address, address)
(4) Click on “Send Mail” to complete the request.
3. It will be mailed to the designated address as a guide for about a week.
*Even if the purchase was made at, if you purchased regular books, etc. using a credit card other than from the Kindle Store, you do not need to make the above request. Please download the receipt directly from the website and submit it as an electronic file.
- Can I use the Individual Research Allowance in combination with private expenses or other research expenses (Waseda University Grants for Special Research Projects and Kakenhi) ?
- Unless otherwise restricted by other research expenses, it is possible to simultaneously use (*1) and combine use (*2),
(*1) Using funds simultaneously means usage of different research funds for different disbursements related to one research activity, assuming that the financial source for each bill/receipt is indicated.
(*2)Combined usage of funds means usage of a combination of research funds for the payment of a bill or a receipt related to one billing/contract .
Although Individual Research Allowance and Kakenhi can be used simultaneously, combined use can not be done in principle. Also, in terms of asset management, it is not possible to purchase one asset property by combining research expenses or private money.
- Is it permitted to use point cards at mass retailers?
- If you use a point card or gift card etc. for advanced payment, you can settle its amount after deducting the points used.
- The term of employment ends this year. I plan to purchase a PC in this summer, but the maintenance contract term of the PC is at least one year, so it will exceed the term.
- Maintenance contracts for purchasing goods, software license fees for virus software, etc., and annual fee for academic society, etc. is permissible if the start date of the contract is within the term of employment and the contract period is shortest. Please refer to Q29 about spending when it is not the shortest contract term beyond working term.
- With regard to subscription fees for publications, if the contract period spans the current year and the next year, is it possible to spend all expenses from the Individual Research Allowance the current year?
- If within your term of employment, it is permissible even if such cases. In principle, you should spend on the budget of the fiscal year to which the invoice / receipt date belongs.In addition, please refer to Q28 about spending when it is not the shortest contract term beyond working term.
- If I pay for a long period of time, the discount amount will be applied. Even if the contract term exceeds the term of office, can I pay for a long period?
- You are able to spend from the Individual Research Allowance only for your term of employment contract, so it is permissible to divide up to the end of your work.
- If the order date of goods is the end of the previous year and the transaction date of the credit card is in the current year, can I spend from the current year’s budget?
- Individual Research Allowance performs accounting processing in the fiscal year to which the date of invoice and receipt belongs.
If there are deliverables such as books, the “delivery date” must match the fiscal year. In the case of a transaction that has no deliverables such as academic expenses payment, it is necessary for the “use date, trade date” to be the same as the fiscal year. Please note that it is not the issue date of the statement issued by the credit card company or the payment date actually debited.
- In the middle of the fiscal year, a new faculty member will be appointed and attend an overseas conference that will be held soon after being appointed. Is it possible to use the Individual Research Allowance to pay for the ticket purchased before the term of employment starts?
- Expenses are possible if the date of receipt of the ticket is after the date of the faculty meeting that has decided on the assignment of the researcher. However, the cost for participating in the academic society is specially granted as it is necessary to prepare in advance, and it does not mean that other expenses can be spent. With regard to goods, it is not permissible before the term of employment starts.
- Can I use Individual Research Allowance while my sabbatical leave?
- It can be possible.
- I will stay abroad for sabbatical leave, can I pay the laboratory fee to the host organization?
- By paying the laboratory registration fee, you will be able to receive various services necessary for local research activities such as use of Library and copiers, as well as laboratory use. It is possible to spend from allowances.
- If I leave from work due to illness etc, will Individual Research Allowance be issued?
- Those who are on leave of absence throughout the relevant year don’t have eligibility.
- I will have maternity leave or childcare leave from the middle of the fiscal year. Can you use Individual Research Allowance?
- You are not supposed to work during those leave. Therefore, even in the Individual Research Allowance, it can not be executed that leads to activities during the period of absence (for example, travel expenses during the period of absence and participation fees for academic conferences). However, it is possible to spend during the leave period due to the required work after reinstatement (for example, annual meeting fee of the academic society, participation fee of the academic society participating after returning to work). In addition, since there is no reduction measures during the leave period, it can continue to be used within the fiscal year even after reinstatement.
- I want to use a taxi or car rental service for business trips, is it possible?
- If you can not use the railway or bus for the following reasons, you can use a taxi / car rental.
There is no other means of transportation.
You have to move outside the operating hours of trains, buses, etc.
You have to transport the luggage for research.
Because of the schedule
Economically reasonable compared to other means of transportation
Poor security and risk in other transportation (for overseas business trips only)
If you need to use a taxi or car for any reason other than the above, please submit a document explaning the reason. You can not use your own car. Please use the public transportation.
- Can I spend on travel expenses for a student or an external researcher from the Individual Research Allowance?
- Individual Research Allowance are research expenses to support academic research conducted by researchers individually, so it is not possible to spend on travel expenses for invited and student travel.
- Is it possible to pay for participation fees for workshops and admission fees for art museums etc?
- As it is difficult to judge whether the participation fee or admission fee for the workshop is related to the individual subject area of the researcher, please enter the relevance to the subject area in the margin of the receipt, etc. or please attach a document (style free) that explains the need for conducting research.
- I will attend a workshop, can I use the Academic Conference Trip Subsidy?
- As the seminars and workshops are not a society, you can not spend on ” Academic Conference Trip Subsidy”. If you are involved in your individual field of study and need to proceed with your research, you can spend on Individual Research Allowance as a research trip.
- I would like to use the Individual Research Allowance and the Academic Conference Trip Subsidy because I would like to participate in the workshop. Are the workshops eligible for the Academic Conference Trip Subsidy?
- Workshops are not eligible for Academic Conference Trip Subsidy. However, research meetings, workshops, and workshops sponsored by academic conferences, international conferences, and international symposia that are eligible for Academic Conference Trip Subsidy is permissible.
- Can I spend the expenses for seminars (student guidance business trips) from Individual Research Allowance?
- If only teaching students, it is not permissible because the purpose is educational rather than research. In order to spend from Individual Research Allowance, it is necessary to explain how the seminar camp is related to the research execution of the researcher.
- In order to go to the conference to be held in May next year, I need to pay the ticket fee and the conference participation fee in this February.
- In principle, it is needed to be processed within the fiscal year to which the invoice / receipt date belongs. However, if there is a discrepancy between the issue year of the invoice / receipt and the year when the accounting process is carried out, the budget for the next fiscal year can be used as an exception. In that case, please note that accommodation expenses and daily allowances must be processed in the same year as the ticket fee.
- I bought a travel guidebook for research trip. Can I spend?
- If it is necessary for the research trip, you can spend.
- I am planning to make a business trip to a conference and I am applying for a visa, but I am not likely to get permission by the date of departure. In that case, can I spend ticket cancellation fee from the Individual esearch Allowance?
- It is possible to spend because the reason for canceling the business trip is not your own. Please attach a reason for cancellation (form free) and submit it to the accounting office.
- I will travel abroad, and can I use the mileage system to upgrade to business class?
- You can use mileage for ticket purchase and upgrades.In addition, please confirm “Guidelines for travel expenses for attending academic meetings and conducting research activities” about upgrade.
- Can I pay for accommodation if the round trip travel distance does not exceed 300 km for a domestic business trip?
- As long as the travel distance between round trips does not exceed 300 km, it is possible to return home, except in the case of meeting from early morning etc., so in principle accommodation fees can not be paid. If you have to stay overnight, please explain the reason when you apply the trip through the e-Trip system.
- When paying taxi fares abroad, there may be “no receipt issuance convention” in some countries. In that case, what should I do?
- If you do not have a receipt, it is not permissible because we can not confirm the fact you paid.
- In the case of overseas hotel expenses or payment of academic conference fee etc., INVOICE and CONFIRMATION are often passed instead of receipts. Can these be used as receipts?
- If INVOICE or CONFIRMATION is passed instead of a receipt, it can be treated as a receipt if it has a PAID seal or a credit card number.In the case of INVOICE or CONFIRMATION which does not satisfy these conditions, please submit a “Reimbursement for Expense Reimbursement”.